Join the Movement

Discover all the ways to get involved with Switch.

For Students

Make Friends at Switch

Switch is for 6th-12th grade students to come and experience Jesus! Most Switch experiences happen on Wednesday nights at Life.Church locations from 7:00-8:30pm. If you’re at a portable Life.Church location, connect with your Youth Pastor to find out about City Groups.

Make a Difference as a Student Leader

You have gifts and abilities from God that can make a difference in the world. Ready to get started? Students 6th grade and up can serve in the church on the weekend. 

Make an Impact After You Graduate

Want to keep developing spiritually while growing personally and professionally? A Life.Church Internship might be for you! You'll discover how you can use your gifts to honor God and serve people wherever you go.

Invest in the Next Generation

Volunteer as a Switch Leader

Are you an adult who’s passionate about investing in the next generation? Switch is for you! There are many ways you can use your gifts to impact students on Wednesday nights and throughout the week. 

Switch FAQs

  • Absolutely! We'll make sure your student has the support they need. Just let us know you're coming by filling out this form.


  • Every adult who signs up to serve as a Switch Leader completes an interview and a background check to ensure your student’s safety. These adults are thoroughly vetted and deeply passionate about helping your student navigate life and faith. 

  • The safety of your student is our highest priority. At every Switch experience, we have trained officers and a team of people dedicated to ensuring a safe environment for students, from the moment they get out of the car to the time they leave the building. 

  • While we value the power of being connected to Christ-centered relationships, we aren’t licensed counselors. Please connect with our team and we’ll help you find a local mental health professional.

Hey, parents! We have resources for you.