We are dedicated to bringing hope and healing to people everywhere. With your help, we can reach people of every age, location, and language for Christ. See how you play a key role in relief and restoration work through our Global and Local Mission Partners.
Here’s how you can help us reach people for Christ.
Global Missions
Life.Church is committed to Bible translation, equipping churches to transform their communities, and crisis relief.
Local Missions
By working with Local Mission Partners, we are helping to empower our communities, strengthen families, and stand against injustice.
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Mission FAQs
We have five key ideas that guide us when we’re making decisions about our missions approach.
- We go big on help for body and soul. The Gospel—God’s good news—promises freedom for the entire person. We follow the model Jesus laid out: care for both the body (physical needs) and the soul (spiritual and relational needs). We unwaveringly preach the Gospel while providing short-term relief, long-term restoration, and development to the natural and social aspects of our communities.
- We fully invest in people. We believe that every person is created in God’s image and has tremendous value. We invest our time, privilege, resources, talents, and relationships to help people live up to their God-given potential.
- We don’t reinvent the wheel. We know our role. Our sweet spot is offering our people and resources to organizations who invest in strengthening our communities. To do it right, we always build financial and program accountability directly into our partnerships.
- We recognize that we’re all broken in some way. Poverty comes in many forms, and it’s always a result of brokenness. Whether we lack material resources, meaningful relationships, purpose, or hope in Christ, we all experience poverty in some way. As we reach out to others who long to mend their brokenness, we know that we bring our own brokenness into the mix. We’re not “fixers.” We’re on the same path of becoming more like Jesus and simply walking alongside our neighbors.
- We own our obedience, not the solutions. We value the strengths and gifts already at work in individuals and communities. We come with empty hands and open hearts asking how we can assist in the work God is already doing. We believe this questions-not-answers approach allows the local community to own the solutions. We own our obedience, and God owns the outcomes.
We carefully select Local Mission Partners in each of our communities that affect positive change in five key areas: families, well-being, education, justice, and community empowerment. Globally, we partner with organizations who specialize in Bible translation, crisis relief, and church-based community development. Whether you’re passionate about supporting foster families, helping children in poverty, or translating God’s Word into every language, we want to help you take action on the causes you care about most.
Here are four easy ways you can make a difference in your own community and around the world:
- Serve: If you live near a Life.Church location, show God’s love to your community by volunteering with a Local Mission Partner.
- Give: Help provide relief to people in crisis and transform lives through relationships by giving beyond your tithe with an offering to Local & Global Missions.
- Learn: Sign up for our monthly Local & Global Missions email updates to receive inspiring stories of how God is moving through your generosity.
- Pray: Join us in praying that God’s hope and healing power would reach the ends of the earth.
When you serve and give, God changes lives—and the first life to change is always your own. We believe that as we respond to needs in our own communities and around the globe, we begin to see the world through God’s eyes. We become more like Jesus. When we use our time, talents, and resources to show God’s love, it doesn’t just impact the people around us. It’s a key part of how we become fully devoted followers of Christ, too.
No, Life.Church does not organize mission trips. Instead, we focus our efforts on financially supporting trusted Global Mission Partners who share our passions and have expertise in three key areas: Bible translation, crisis relief, and church-based community development. In addition, we connect our attenders with Local Mission Partners to volunteer and make a difference in their own neighborhoods. Resources like the book Becoming Whole have deepened our understanding of poverty and shaped our approach to global missions—we strongly recommend it!
When you give beyond your tithe with an offering to Local & Global Missions, you can be confident that you’re joining some of the best in the world to do what God’s called each of us to do.